Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's Been a While

Yeah, it's been almost three months since I've posted in this. Sue me, I'm the only one who reads this thing anyways.
It's also been nine years since the attacks on September eleventh. Talk about generationally defining moments. You saw 'em, I don't think I really need to say much more on the subject. If you didn't, the basic summary is a bunch of savages from the Middle East killed thousands of innocent civilians in four attacks - the north and south towers of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field south of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The flight that went down in Pennsylvania is, when it's remembered, remembered as the beginning of our War on Terror. Then-President George W. Bush received word while he was reading to a group of elementary school students and got a shit-ton of flak for continuing to read for seven minutes. It's amazing how much younger he looked back then. People like to say that, from then on forth, we were a nation at war.
Yeah. Right.
See, here's the fact of the matter: Your average American is not at war, nor has he made any 'sacrifices' for this war. He is, in fact, continuing on much as he did before the attacks. Sure, he's gotta spend more time jumping through hoops at airports, and the global jihad makes the news a lot more frequently, but less than two percent of the country is actually anywhere close to the war.
(That whole economic collapse thing? It's called the end result of living beyond your means like a jackass, not the result of the war's expenses.)

A pastor in Gainesville, Florida decided he'd get some free publicity by publically announcing he'd burn a couple hundred korans as a protest against the government's dhimmitude. Everyone and their mother's been pleading with him not to do it, not to antagonize the Muslims. Okay. One: Why should he be concerned with antagonizing Muslims? And this is speaking as one of those Joes who the jihadists target whenever they get their man-dresses in a bunch. It's like telling an abused wife not to talk back so she doesn't antagonize her husband. Two: How in the wide, wide world of sports can the creator of the infinite multiverse be offended by the actions of a mote of dust on a mote of dust in a cloud of dust in a cloud of dust? Three: With the strictures against idolatry, how can any material items be truly sacred? How can any item of this world be more sacred to the Creator than even the least of His children? I know my God would rather all the Bibles in the world be burned than one person be harmed by another.
I'm just sayin'.

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