Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Generation Me

I found that link on Dennis Prager's site, and made the mistake of following it. What the holy heavenly fuck, are these people that demented? Best friends are unhealthy?
Reminds me of how my father used to say that they were child psychologists only because they were too honest to be pet therapists. Looks like a few more parents need to clue in to the con-job. Dennis Prager's got some good ideas in his head, if ya ask me.

This girl gets the facts, and then draws the entirely *wrong* conclusion from them. No small surprise considering it comes from Newsweek.

I see these two things being related. Kids these days don't seem to value anything other than their own damn selves.

"Yes! This is my generation! We are self-entitled! All of us think we were truly destined to be great! And our moms and dads definitely help us out financially more than either child or parent would like. But we are also headstrong. We dream big. We don't give up. We embrace new technology. We hope. We don't say "no." We're EXCITED to live. We want to travel the world, see new cultures, break down barriers and change this world. And maybe it's just me being a product of this generation, but I know we will. So to answer the question: we're both hardy with just a hint of delusion (which trust me, comes in handy in this day in age).


Some random post on a comment thread that I thought illustrated the situation quite nicely.

I call bullshit. There's a whole lot of quit in kids these days. A whole hell of a lot. I work with some of the finest men this generation has had to offer, and I remain unimpressed. Someone tried arguing that this equipped kids for the world they're inheriting. I instead say that if the world we inherit remains, that if civilization survives, it will *not* be because of the majority of this generation. Spoiled, self-entitled, headstrong, and delusional punks do not have it in them to weather the islamofacist, econazi, collectivist storm that's intensifying as we speak. Hardy my left nut. We're the generation that passes up work and lives off of our parents rent-free. We're the generation trained by our parents. We're the generation that, if things continue unchecked, will see the end of American-brand capitalism and the end of the Republic as we knew it. Any questions?

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