Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's Not the First Time I've Said This...


Now, I'm not the good General's biggest fan. I have serious doubts as to whether or not he's actually had boots on the ground at any point in the recent past, as he seems hell-bent on reducing the lethality of our engagements... for our enemies. He's the guy who handed out the order about not going into areas where they could reasonably expect to take contact. That kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it? General Petraeus he is not, and it's made even worse by his civilian commander. General McChrystal is trying to apply a strategy that worked in Iraq to a whole different ballgame. Petraeus's strategy in Iraq worked because we had the insurgents whupped. We haven't whupped the Afghani resistance yet, so we haven't established in their minds that we're Big Billy Badass. Until we do that, any peaceful overtures will be seen as attempts at surrender.

But this Administration? Holy heavenly God, America, what were you thinking? These people seem to be even more dedicated to losing Afghanistan than the Taliban is to winning it! They shouldn't be demanding apologies, they should be straightening up their acts. Like I say whenever someone complains about me going on about one of my many triggers, "I'll quit saying it when it quits being true." How long did Obama sit on McChrystal's request for more troops? How many men died because Obama couldn't make a decision recommended him by the expert *he* appointed? How many men have died because the American civilians - that's you, every damn one of you who voted for the Dhimmicrats - demanded that we fight this war like civilized men and not kill any of those precious, precious civilians?

Here's a little secret I'm going to let you all in on. There is no such thing as an "Innocent Civilian" in Afghanistan, Iraq, or any other Middle Eastern pisshole. Honest. There's only degrees of guilt. You say how horrible it is for children to die, and it is. Even so, the little ones grow up to be the big ones - that is, if they aren't used as suicide bombs first - and the big ones kill Westerners whenever they get it in their heads to do so. I say it's horrible that American children die because of these people. We Westerners respect discipline and restraint. Middle Easterners respect strength. By restraining ourselves so unnecessarily, we're actually working against our goals. We are not fighting civilized men. We're fighting barbarians. It's long past time for us to take the kid gloves off and go after them with the full might of the American military.


  1. Where are you deployed to? Your deployment seems a lot more "angry" than anyone elses I've come across in 2010. But I am in Iraq... and there is no war here anymore...

  2. Woah, hey, didn't even think to check for a reply.
    I was deployed to Diyala Province in 08-09. We caught the tail end of the insurgency's last gasp.
