Friday, June 25, 2010

Having Trouble Staying Awake?

Little thoughts to keep you up at night. I really wish I'd stop seeing shit the commies said they wanted to do forty years ago that's going on as we speak.
I remember when "Commie" used to be a bad word. Now it seems a whole hell of a lot of folks are asking "What's wrong with socialism?"
Well, nothing... if you don't particularly like keeping the money you work for. The best example of why socialism is a bad idea, of course, is the anecdote of the liberal girl with Democrat parents who asks a wealthy man to donate to the poor. The wealthy man says "Well, why don't you come down to my house and clean my yard? I'll give you five dollars, and then you can give that five dollars to the beggar at Wal-Mart."
Little girl replies, "Well, why don't you have the beggar come clean your yard?"
It's simply human nature. We're selfish creatures. If we weren't, we would've gone extinct by now. In other news, I was awarded an MOVSM (That's Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal) today along with my PCS award (AAM, standard for junior enlisted). The difference between charity and collectivism is that charity is given freely, collectivism requires force. I really wish people would realize this. If more folks rubbed some neurons together, this country wouldn't be circling the drain.

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